Stop Knocking Off Your Bloodline!!!

It is a shame that we have to deal with others knocking off our family bloodline, but it’s a disgrace when we knock off our own. Don’t let the evil of this world destroy your future and your children future.

An unborn child is still a person in the eyes of God. God formed us in our mother’s womb, and He knew us before we were even CONCEIVED! (Jeremiah 1:5 says “Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.”)

Abortion is a gruesome murder of an innocent and helpless child which God has created, and is a source for great spiritual bondage. Please don’t be fooled by pro-choice rules, Fetus have feelings and can feel the pain and reacts to the danger and expresses unspeakable terror just moments before being killed. (Remember in Luke 1:44, John the Baptist leaped for joy when he heard Mary’s voice).

Abortion is cold-blooded and opens a person up to unclean spirits to enter and harass the person and will drive a person into the ground so badly that they are driven to suicide.

So please stop knocking off your bloodline. God creates us all and he has a purpose and plan for all he created. The world cannot become a better place if you allow EVIL to take control of your life and this world.


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